What people are asking.

  • How can you guarantee placements?

    When you apply, I learn about your business and confirm that your work is press-worthy. Does that mean all of your projects are going to be super press-worthy? Most likely not. But you can count on me to tell you which projects have press potential and which don't. And why! So you can learn to become your own PR strategist. There is no gimmick here. When you join the PR Academy, you will get the right press.

  • How will I get the materials?

    Each week, we will upload the course materials to Kajabi, an easy-to-use platform that hosts the videos, templates, and other course materials. After the course is over, you keep your access to all of the lessons!

  • How are you different from other PR Firms?

    Unlike other PR firms, PR Academy has created a proprietary pitching method, one that allows you to generate multiple media placements for your most press-worthy projects. This ensures that you don't go out of order get very much PR success! You learn the incredible process of strategic pitching in a proven method that allows you to be featured in local, national, and even international publications.

  • How do you have access to the top editors and writers?

    I used to be one of them, and I know how tired (and overwhelmed) I was by the intense amount of emails I got every day. Now, the top editors and writers come to me because it allows them to streamline their process and get the projects that make THEM look good. Not only do I give you access to the editors, but I train you how to pitch to perfection. Both Tier 1 and 2 get access to my media list

  • What is the time commitment like?

    I’ll be straight with you: if you’re driven to get the best media placements, it’s going to take time. This isn’t an overnight success situation. Depending on which tier you choose, the timing will vary. But I suggest carving out about 2-3 hours/week if you really want to see progress.

  • What if I hate writing?

    Description goes hereThat’s where I come in. As a 20-year journalist, I have written thousands of articles and pitches. During Office Hours, bring in your “sloppy copy” and I will live rewrite for you, showing you how to transform what you already know into “media speak” so that your expertise, insights and ideas can be seen in location, national and even international publications.